Instructions for Using Classy Nails Dashboard
- Overview: What You Can Do with This Screen:
- Receipt Preview - Does not Require Client Info so can give quick estimates. Can be printed but is not saved to
- Receipt Print - requires client Info (name &/or phone &/or email, and How-Paid).
- Appointment - can optionally specify a Tech - print as needed.
- Gift Certificate - print as needed - must manually close status (for now) - Rec# allows verify - can update balance
remaining (if any), or close and start another Rec#.
- Employee Earnings Report for weekly Paycheck prep and Tax Reporting.
- Ability to Audit against changes to Historical Transactions.
- Train or experiment using this application's TEST database.
- Using the Form
- Tech must always be selected when SUBMIT.
- Full Set is assumed if not selected.
- Fill In only affects price charged for the first eight Nail services.
- Checkboxes are selected either by clicking the box itself or it's label (or touching on mobile).
- Use input field next to service label to specify "&up" price if needed.
- SUBMIT of Receipts without entry of Name &/or Phone &/or email does not update database. Note all three are not
required. Date Serviced is also required but is automatically pre-filled. How-Paid is also required for dB
update but without it, results are titled PREVIEW and can be PRINTED.
- Date Serviced is automatically set to current day, but can be changed as needed. It controls Earnings report
From/To date selection.
- SUBMIT of Appointments without entry of Name &/or Phone &/or email does not update database. Note all three are
not required. Appointment Date & Time are also required.
- SUBMIT of Gift Certificates without entry of Name &/or Phone &/or email does not update database. Note all three
are not required. Amount & How Paid are also required.
- Appointment's With field is left blank unless the client specifies a particular Tech to perform the service or its for
a Wax.
- How Paid shortcut entry values ca,ck,v,m,mc are automatically converted to Cash,Check,Visa,MC,MC respectively.
- Coupon$ normally left blank, optionally enter coupon amount off e.g. 10 for $10 off, 3 for $3 off coupon.
- Status will automatically change from open to paid for Receipts when How Paid is
entered. It will automatically change from open to closed for Appointments when Appointment Date
is past.
- Rec# is an automatically assigned, unique sequential number. It is your visual confirmation that the database was
- CLEAR between all transactions because SUBMIT with Rec# field filled (with a "valid" - meaning already assigned number)
will OVERLAY rather than INSERT a new record in database. SUBMIT with a blank Rec# is the only way to insert a new record in the database.
- All files contain automatically assigned Date Created and Last Updated Timestamp, AZ time (MST) but these are
are only displayed on Log report.
- Always precede any LOOKUP with a CLEAR or two. If Rec# is entered LOOKUP will quickly find that one record. If name
&/or phone &/or email, employee &/or status is specified, it tries to find one qualifying record. If only 1 or 2 characters of
name are entered, it will attempt to find all records that start with those (case sensitive) characters (warning, if name,
phone & email are all specified, it tries to find a single record that matches all 3 so best to use only one when unsure).
LOOKUPs may "find" two or more records - when this happens, a pull-down selection box will appear at top of page. Select &
then press LOOKUP a second time to see the details of the selected record.
- Recap: 7 ways to Initiate/Control Action
- SUBMIT [with & without database update depending on what data is provided]. Client Database Update creates two files:
Client Rec# file and a Log of all Updates file.
- LOOKUP may result in display of details for one record or may find many records requiring selection & another LOOKUP.
With LOG or REPORT checked, it displays a listing of all matching records (see below).
- PRINT opens a separate window to allow printing a copy for your customer (titled Preview or Receipt if paid,
Appointment Confirmation, or Gift Certificate each with a unique Rec# for later LOOKUP or reporting.
- REPORT - the checkbox to the right of the LOOKUP button causes LOOKUP to display all client records qualifying for the filters
entered. Type is required but optional filters include Employee, Name, Phone, &/or Email, Status (e.g.
open) applies only to Appointment & Certificate report types, while From &/or To Dates may be used only to
filter Receipt LOOKUPs (e.g. for Earnings report).
- LOG - the checkbox to the left of LOOKUP causes LOOKUP to display all log records qualifying for the filters entered.
Type is not required & other optional filters are the same as for REPORTS (see above). The LOG file is written as a
chronological history of all client file updates regardless of type (i.e. SUBMITS with adequate data provided).
- CLEAR blanks all input fields, and selections. Always CLEAR between all transactions to avoid unintended data corruption.
- TEST - A test database is available anytime to use while learning how to use the screen or to check on functionality.
Any 'junk' can be entered just to see what happens. Press PRINT without a Rec# displayed to view a link or
CLICK HERE to setup use of Test dB, evidenced by a message
in the heading.
- AUDIT - Rarely if ever needed, a field by field comparison of the client file with the log file can be performed by again
pressing PRINT without a Rec# displayed to view the Audit setup link or
CLICK HERE. After setup, the LOG report (see above)
will display the Diagnostic Report.
deletes a record from the client file (but not the log) to correct an error. This should rarely
be necessary since any record can be CHANGED by just re SUBMIT after Rec# lookup. The red-X only appears after a LOOKUP
resulting in a single Rec#.
- Future Enhancements - Idea List
- UserId and Password should be added to the screen to protect customer data.
- The need to lookup & manually update Gift Certificate's Status to closed could be eliminated by changing
program to automatically close a Certificate's status. This woud require manually setting How Paid for the Receipt
record for which service is paid by the certificate to the special value GC#nnn where nnn is Rec# for
Certificate used. This may or may not be thought to be more trouble than it's worth.
- Future studies by frequency of each service (info captured on db but report not yet programmed).
- Future email marketing to recent customers can be contemplated - perhaps offering loyal customer specials etc.
- Future report changes as experience is gained, to better provide exactly the information wanted.
Lookups - To Display One Client Record (with optional filters)
- To List Many Client or Log Records (with optional filters)
- To generate Diagnostic Report if Audit is setup.
Delete a Client Record
Automatic Value Setting (status, howPaid, Date Serviced)
Clear screen fields & server variables
Process Receipt (formulate display & add up)
Edits to assure needed data is present & Related Message Display
Submit to Database (if ok)
Display (Lookup &/or Submit)
One Client Record (Receipt, Appointment, Gift Certificate)
Many Record Lists (Receipt, Appointment, Gift Certificate) - Client or Log)
(where Log includes ability to audit Client file)
Print (Receipt or Preview, Appointment, Gift Certificate)